How has the argument between creationism and Darwinism changed our society in this contemporary world?
Some people in society will agree that God has created the earth and a person shall not go against the bible. While others believe in Darwinism or evolution, the genes of one generation to the next. Society in this contemporary world have created many debates defending one view and criticizing the other.

Bertram Cates teaches his students the theory of evolution from a biology book. Cates outlook on human knowledge is skeptical, and he wonders about the nature of the universe.
Matthew Harrison Brady defends the literal truth of the bible in the trial of Cates’ prosecution trial. But to Brady’s embarrassment Drummond exposes the contradiction of this viewpoint.
Henry Drummond a famous lawyer is brought to the trial to defend Cates. He believes in human progress and argues for.

Through out the trial the court room spectators shift their opinions back and forth between Brady and Drummond.
The town of Hillsboro is split between the view of creationism and Darwinism which cause a lot of hostility between the people
Creationism vs. Darwinism